Max Weber and the Problem of a ‘Successful Peace’
“How can we think of peace? And when?”, Max Weber asks in a letter to Ferdinand Tönnies, in 14 October 1914. This article focuses on the concept of “successful” peace, the decisive concept for Weber’s ideas about the “way out of the war” that the author refined between 1914–1918 in his speeches, texts and letters. For Weber, a successful peace depended not only on the foreign policy dimension but even more on important inner reforms and a fundamental reorganisation of the German Reich. Analysing Weber’s “ideas of 1918” – radically opposed to the well-known “ideas of 1914” – this paper focuses on three aspects: (1) nation and state citizens (2) Prussia, (3) German tradition, history and political culture, before outlining, at the end, Weber’s ideas about the European post-war order.
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Schriften und Briefe von Max Weber (Works and Letters by Max Weber)
MWG I,4: Max Weber, Landarbeiterfrage, Nationalstaat und Volkswirtschaftspolitik. Schriften und Reden 1892–1899, ed. Wolfgang J. Mommsen in association with Rita Aldenhoff, 2 vols., Tübingen , J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) 1993.
MWG I/5: Max Weber, Börsenwesen. Schriften und Reden 1893–1898, ed. Knut Borchardt with Cornelia Meyer-Stoll., J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Tübingen, 1999.
MWG I/8: Max Weber, Wirtschaft, Staat und Sozialpolitik. Schriften und Reden 1900–1912. Ed. Wolfgang Schluchter in association with Peter Kurth and Birgitt Morgenbrod. Tübingen 1998.
MWG I/10: Max Weber, Zur Russischen Revlution von 1905. Schriften und Reden 1906–1912. Ed. Wolfgang J. Mommsen in association with Dittmar Dahlmann. Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) 1989.
MWG I/15: Max Weber, Zur Politik im Weltkrieg: Schriften und Reden 1914–1918. Ed. Wolfgang J. Mommsen in association with Gangolf Hübinger, Tübingen 1988.
MWG I/16: Max Weber, Zur Neuordnung Deutschlands. Reden und Schriften 1918–1920. Ed. Wolfgang J. Mommsen in association with Wolfgang Schwentker. Tübingen 1988.
MWG I/19: Max Weber, Die Wirtschaftsethik der Weltreligionen. Konfuzianismus und Taoismus. Schriften 1915–1920. Ed. Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer, in association with Petra Kolonko. Tübingen 1989.
MWG I/22,1: Max Weber, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Gemeinschaften. Ed. Wolfgang J. Mommsen in association with Michael Meyer. Tübingen 2001.
MWG I/23: Max Weber, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Soziologie. Unvollendet. 1919–1920. Ed. Knut Borchardt, Edith Hanke and Wolfgang Schluchter. Tübingen 2013.
MWG II/8: Max Weber, Briefe 1913–1914. Ed. M. Rainer Lepsius and Wolfgang J. Mommsen in association with Birgit Rudhard and Manfred Schön. Tübingen 2003.
MWG II/9: Max Weber, Briefe 1915–1917. Ed. Gerd Krumeich and M. Rainer Lepsius in association with Birgit Rudhard and Manfred Schön. Tübingen 2008.
MWG II/10: Max Weber, Briefe 1918–1920. Ed. Gerd Krumeich and M. Rainer Lepsius with Uta Hinz, Sybille Oßwald-Bargende and Manfred Schön. Tübingen 2012.
From Max Weber: Essays in sociology. Transl., ed., and with an introd. by H. H. Gerth and C. Wright Mills. Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, London 1948, second impression 1952.
WL: Max Weber, Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Wissenschaftslehre. Ed. Johannes Winckelmann. Tübingen, 7th. ed. 1988.
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