Simmel Gesellschaft

Georg Simmel Gesellschaft is an international society based in Bielefeld (Germany) concerned with the promotion of the works of the German sociologist and philosopher Georg Simmel and of scientific contributions about his work. 


Impressum: Simmel Gesellschaft. Georg Simmel Gesellschaft e. V. Finanzamt Bielefeld. Contact:


Membership:  If you would like to become a member of the Georg Simmel Gesellschaft, please make a transfer of 30 euros (not-student) or 15 euros (student) to the following account: Georg Simmel Gesellschaft, IBAN DE82 4807 0024 0196 3404 00. Please send to us ( the receipt with the following information by using this form

- Full Name: 
- Institutional Affiliation:
- Email Address:
- And stating: I allow the Simmel Gesellschaft e. V. to store my Data to manage my membership information

The membership is valid for one year.


Archive: The Simmel Archive is now part of Bielefeld University’s Archive: For more information, please contact: